What file formats are the templates available in?

The file formats of the templates may vary depending on the type of template you are purchasing. Please refer to the product description for more details on the specific file formats available for each template.

How do I access the templates once I purchase them?

Once your purchase is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to download your templates. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam folder or contact our customer support team for assistance.

Can I customise the templates to fit my needs?

Yes, you can customise the templates to fit your specific needs. Our templates are designed to be fully customisable, so you can easily edit, add or remove content, change colors, fonts, and more, to match your personal or business brand. If you have any questions about how to customise the templates, we are here to help. Please contact our customer support team for assistance.

What software do I need to use the templates?

The specific software required to use the templates may vary depending on the type of template you are purchasing. All programs do not require any software subscriptions, although some premium features may only be available with a paid subscription. We always include the software requirements in the product description of each template, so please read the description carefully before making a purchase.

Do you offer refunds or exchanges?

We apologise, but we do not offer exchanges or refunds for our digital templates. Since our products are digital and delivered electronically, we are unable to offer exchanges or refunds once the purchase has been made. However, if you have any concerns or issues with the templates you have purchased, please contact our customer support team and we will do our best to resolve the issue and ensure your satisfaction. We want you to be happy with your purchase and will work with you to make sure you are satisfied with the product you receive.

Can I use the templates for commercial use?

Our templates are strictly for personal use only, and cannot be used for commercial purposes. We ask that you refrain from using our templates to create materials or content that will be sold or distributed for profit. If you have any questions about the acceptable use of our templates, please contact our customer support team and we will be happy to provide further clarification. You may also like to visit our Terms & Conditions page for further information.

Are the templates compatible with both Mac and Windows?


How do I download the templates?

To download templates, follow the instructions provided on the website or in the confirmation email after purchase. Typically, you will receive a link to download the template file. Click on the link to start the download process. Depending on the format of the file, you may need to extract the file from a zip file after downloading. Once you have downloaded and extracted the file, you can open it in the appropriate software program. If you are unsure of how to do this, refer to the instructions provided with the product.

If you have any issues downloading or accessing the template, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team for assistance.

What is the difference between the Google Sheets and Excel?

While they have many similarities, there are also some important differences. One of the main differences is that Google Sheets is a cloud-based application, meaning that it is accessed through a web browser and data is stored on Google's servers, while Microsoft Excel is a desktop application that is installed on your computer and stores data locally. Another key difference is that Google Sheets is free to use, while Microsoft Excel requires a paid subscription as part of the Microsoft Office suite. This makes Google Sheets more accessible to individuals and small businesses who may not have the budget to purchase Microsoft Office.

Google Sheets also offers a more aesthetically pleasing user interface that is easier to navigate and use, especially for those who are not as familiar with spreadsheets. It offers many of the same features as Excel, including formulas and functions, formatting options, and charting tools, making it a great alternative to Microsoft Excel for basic spreadsheet tasks.

What is Canva?

Canva is a platform that allows users to easily customise pre-made designs. It features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to edit and personalise designs without any prior design experience. Canva has both free and paid options, all designs available our shop are created to be used on the free version.

Can I use the templates on my mobile device?

Whether you can use templates on your mobile device depends on the file format and the apps you have installed on your device. Many templates, especially those created in Microsoft Office programs like Excel or Word, require a desktop application to be opened and used. These templates may not be compatible with mobile devices unless you have a mobile version of the application installed on your device. However, if the template is in a compatible file format such as PDF, you can use a PDF reader app on your mobile device to open and use the template. Similarly, if the template is created in a cloud-based app like Google Sheets, you can access and use the template through a web browser on your mobile device. Some popular apps that can be used to access and use templates on mobile devices include Google Sheets, Microsoft Office mobile apps, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and various PDF editor apps. It's also worth noting that while smartphones may not have large enough screens to effectively work with some templates, tablets can be a great option for using templates on mobile devices. Many tablets have large, high-resolution displays that make it easy to work with spreadsheets, documents, and other templates. Overall, the compatibility of templates with mobile devices depends on the file format and the apps you have installed on your device. If you're unsure whether a template can be used on your mobile device, check the product details or contact customer support for more information.